Friday, April 13, 2007

Batman theme song

Another show from my childhood was Batman, starring Adam West. I was the right age when this started-- too young to be offended by the outrageous campiness, so I thought it was terrific. Then I spent 20 years hating that I ever liked it. Now, I am happy to think back on it, but not too curious to view it again:)
Here's a picture of me being pummeled by Batman (a fan in a cool costume) from San Diego Comic Book Convention, circa 1986 or 1987.

A link to a fun clip on youtube!

This youtube clip of the intro to the old Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon show brings back great memories of my childhood. I used to run all the way home from school to plop in front of our big old RCA tv to watch this show on channel 18 in Milwaukee. at 3:30 pm every weekday. The animation was crappy, but they clipped the artwork right out of the Marvel comics, so it had that POWER! Best, Jer

A commission piece I did recently

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Random art post

Today I decided to post a painted cover image I did for a DC comics JSA/JLA team-ups collection. I did this a few years back, and it is trademarked and copyrighted DC Comics.