Sunday, November 27, 2011

Power of Shazam poster #2 prelim + finished line art

Power of Shazam poster#2 prelim on EBAY

I'm showing a prelim with the final line art below, for the second Shazam poster done for DC Direct in the early 90's, when posters were a good selling item at comic stores. The line art for this was pretty large, as I wanted to draw it close to print size. The color part was done smaller, on a process called blue-line,  which was a way of doing painted art and preserving the crispness of the black line art, by having the color on a board, and a film shot from the line art as an overlay, so it could be photographed separately, and combined in the printing stage. Sometimes the color and line art didn't stay perfectly registered with each other, and you'd see a little blue outline in the printed piece. When I worked blue-line in commercial art, the blue-line was always printed on heavy illustration board, to minimize any shrinking, or buckling of the surface, as that could screw up the way the line art film matched up. DC always did blue-lines on 2 or 3-ply paper, at least on my projects.

Power of Shazam is trademark and copyright by DC Comics 2011


  1. I wish my rich uncle would get out of the poor house so I could buy some of these. This looks great!!!


  2. Holy Moley! I need to win the lottery now!Talk about Kirby like raw power!

  3. I would so love to have this piece. I have this poster framed and hanging in front of my drawing desk. It was a Christmas gift from a friend. For years it has provided me with much inspiration. I love this poster!


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