Thursday, November 10, 2011

Adventures of Superman #446 cover sketch

Adventures of Superman #446 cover sketch/prelim on EBAY

Here's the original sketch for Adventures of Superman#446, done for editorial approval. This one features Gangbuster kicking butt, while Superman looks on, symbolically.  Another cover that went smoothly from this stage to finished art, and one of my faves. See previous blog-posts for an image of the color guide.

Adventures of Superman and all related characters are trademark and copyright DC Comics 2011


  1. Your sketches are themselves works of art. Do you do rougher versions for yourself first?

  2. I'm surprised Marvel never went after DC for the name Gangbuster. Wasn't there a Gangbuster in Nova vol #1 in it's last few issues. He wore a really ugly green & gold trimmed costume that was very Spy Smasher looking.

  3. Hey Scott-- thanks! I think on Superman, I would talk over a design with Carlin, and then sketch it out. We were in sync, I guess. He also generated a few cartoony sketches on occasion, when he had a specific idea.
    Mike, DC published a book called Gangbusters for many years, predating the Marvel usage, but I think both were not trademark protected actively. I think the trademark office has always had a "use it or lose it" philosophy:)


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