Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Captain Marvel shop talk cover sketch plus Power of Shazam#9 cover sketch!

Hey, check these out here, and then on Ebay if you want to bid. Click on the links.

Power of Shazam-9-cover-sketch-Jerry-Ordway


  1. Aaaarrrgh!!! Please tell me you are going to re list the POS cover sketch on e-bay. I'm working third shift right now and forgot all about the auction. I never got a chance to put in my bid. I have been out bid on every cover sketch I've bid on so far. It is killing me. I must get one! Cap rules!!

  2. Tim, I will try to keep putting stuff like that up on ebay, and may relist the Shazam one in a bit. Sorry about the bidding. My own ebay buying experience amounts to someone outbidding me by 50 cents in the last 30 seconds of the auction:) I guess we need to use that auto-bid app:)

  3. Hi Mr Ordway. Just found this blog. As you can tell from my screen name, I'm a Captain Marvel fan. I enjoyed your run on POS, although to be honest I thought it wasn't perfect, but still very good and enjoyable. I kind of wish you would have plotted the series and pencilled it, while letting someone else, like Ty Templeton or Scott Peterson or if possible, Paul Dini, write the finished scripts. I hope you get a chance to read my Shazamaholic blog, and enjoy it. I would love to see you and Steve Englehart team up to work on Batman and Robin (the classic Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson version). I loved your art on the comic for the 1989 movie! I'm enjoying your blog.

  4. Hey Tim, I just put the Shazam #9 cover sketch back on Ebay tonight, if you're interested.
    Shazamaholic, thanks! Glad you're enjoying the blog! I try to update it at least a couple of times per week. Best,JER

  5. Awesome! Thank you so much. I had so better not get out bid this time. LOL.

  6. I won it! I thought I was going to have to fight someone for it at the last minute but they gave up.

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