Sunday, April 3, 2011

Infinity Inc finally coming out in collected edition!

This image is a copy of the pencils for a DC who's who page for Infinity Inc, to accompany the text.


  1. Really excited about that book. I loved those first 10 or so issues of Infinity Inc.

  2. Hi Mr. Ordway. I'm a great fan of your work since your first FF issues and after with Infinity and your Superman and Captain Marvel issues, you become one of my favourite artist. I'm glad to see you return to post new art and it's great to look your new works for DC, I love your Lobo version.
    Tomás, a fan from Spain.

  3. It's about time DC finally got these collected as a trade! Long over due!

  4. Hey, thanks for commenting. I am really excited to see DC collect Infinity Inc after all these years. I'm a bit surprised they didn't start with All Star Squadron, though. Tomas, thanks on Lobo. I actually had fun with the character, though I wish the Weirds Worlds comic had sold better than it did. Sometimes you work really hard on something and only a few people see it:( Glad you liked it.
    Best, JER

  5. Hi Jer
    I just wanted to ad, I loved your Red Menace mini-series. The art/washes were beautifully done. I wish DC would put the Eagle in the JSA. Sort of showing the gap between 1945-1980? When the modern JSA came out of retirement. SHAZAM!
    Mike & Zeus

  6. I am a huge, huge, huge fan of your work! I hope we get to see more of your fantastic pencils and inks! I hope it would not be out of line here to ask you how much it might cost me to get a pencil drawing of Rex Tyler Hourman?

  7. Hmmm, I wonder if Infinity Inc. coming out doesn't have some connection to the upcoming JSA series that James Robinson is working on--I sure hope that when they can they go to Mr. Ordway for covers and fill-in issues!


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