Friday, April 13, 2007

Batman theme song

Another show from my childhood was Batman, starring Adam West. I was the right age when this started-- too young to be offended by the outrageous campiness, so I thought it was terrific. Then I spent 20 years hating that I ever liked it. Now, I am happy to think back on it, but not too curious to view it again:)
Here's a picture of me being pummeled by Batman (a fan in a cool costume) from San Diego Comic Book Convention, circa 1986 or 1987.


  1. hi jerry. was wondering if you remember me. you gave me a star wars picture a long time ago. glad to see your doing so welcome. drop me a line sometime.

  2. Denise, yes, I do remember, if you're from Wisconsin, and the Star Trek was an autographed comic? How are you doing? Thanks for checking out the blog. Comics still keep me busy! Best, JER


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